Singing Guide: Charlotte Church

Singing Guide: Charlotte Church

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Sing Like Charlotte Church

Charlotte Church is a Welsh singer who rose to fame as a classical singer. Her impressive vocal range and effortless vibrato have made her one of the most beloved singers of her generation. If you're interested in learning to sing like Charlotte Church, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

Work on Your Breath Support

One of the things that sets Charlotte Church apart as a singer is her incredible breath support. This allows her to create a rich, resonant tone that is full of warmth and depth.

To work on your breath support, try exercises like those outlined here, paying close attention to your posture and the way you breathe in and out. Focusing on your breath can help you stay relaxed and grounded while singing.

Learn to Open Your Mouth and Throat

Another technique that Charlotte Church uses to great effect is to keep her throat and mouth open while singing. This allows for a fuller and more resonant sound, giving her music a warm and inviting tone. To learn more about how to open your mouth and throat while singing, check out this article.

Master Your Vibrato

Charlotte Church's vibrato is one of the most distinctive aspects of her singing style. It is smooth and even, adding depth and warmth to her music. To achieve a beautiful vibrato like hers, try exercises like those demonstrated in this video.

Practice Classical Repertoire

While Charlotte Church has ventured into pop and other genres, she is perhaps best known for her classical music. Practicing classical repertoire can help you learn to sing with both power and grace, enabling you to explore your vocal range and improve your breath support. Consider taking the singing course provided by Singing Carrots, which includes 21 lessons covering singing theory and practical tips.

Charlotte Church Songs to Practice

  • "Pie Jesu": This is one of Charlotte Church's most famous songs. It showcases her soaring vocals and her ability to sing with both power and delicacy.
  • "The Prayer": This duet with Josh Groban is a beautiful example of Charlotte Church's ability to blend her voice with those of other singers.
  • "O Holy Night": This is a great song to practice if you want to work on your vibrato and breath control. It requires both power and delicacy, and it is a great way to showcase your range.

Resources to Help You Learn to Sing Like Charlotte Church

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.